Agape Healing Arts
Health & Wellness Center
222 US Highway 1 South / Suite 1 / Tequesta FL 33469 ~ Office 561-762-4273 ~ MM 45443
Experience the Healing Benefits of Tibetan Cranial!
This modality uses subtle touch to the head, face, palate, jaw and neck, based on a sophisticated assessment of pulse. The pulse reading and other techniques are unique Tibetan Cranial, differing from those used in Cranial- Sacral Therapy. TC carries the potential of transformation on many levels: Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Many people have reported pain read reduction as well as relief from wide variety of symptoms including headaches, migraines, whiplash, traumatic brain injury, TMJ pain, PTSD, nervous system related injuries, and many other health problems.
For more information visit click the link below or call LeAnn Hertz @ 561-677-0183