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Boost your Immunity with Stomach 36

One of the most potent acupuncture points of all lies on the Stomach meridian. Its Chinese name, Zusanli is translated as Leg Three Miles. It was a point reputedly known to be used by ancient Chinese soldiers to enable them to walk an extra three miles after exhaustion. This point strengthens the legs and tonifies Qi and blood to help eliminate fatigue.


ST 36 also treats most digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, reflux, belching, stomach cramps, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, low appetite and poor digestion. Even more importantly, it improves the immune system, treating chills, fever, asthma and even alleviates depression.


This is such a magical point, it is known to treat all diseases and the ancients said that by the daily stimulation of this point, you can live to be 100! Modern studies on the use of acupuncture or moxabustion on ST 36 produces measurable changes in the areas of the brain related to gastric function.


This powerful point is found on the lower leg, three finger widths (or three inches) below the base of the patella (knee cap), one finger’s width lateral to the ridge of the tibia and in the shin muscle. You know when you have found it when you fall into a slight depression the size of a quarter, which you may find to be sensitive. It’s a bit like putting on the golf course. Massage or rub vigorously to stimulate your immune system. I’ve been using it on all my clients lately.


One of my clients who was a professional baseball player always wanted to come for treatment before a big game to stimulate “leg three miles point”. It helped him avoid shin splints and recover more quickly after games. His experience was a modern equivalent of those ancient soldiers who were able to march further by supporting the Stomach channel.


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