Agape Healing Arts
Health & Wellness Center
222 US Highway 1 South / Suite 1 / Tequesta FL 33469 ~ Office 561-762-4273 ~ MM 45443
Wild Feminine
Introduction to your Wild Feminine Landscape
During this two hour workshop you will learn the physical and energetic anatomy of the female pelvis, Experience your own internal landscape, gain tools to help you strengthen your connection to the root of your body and the creative well within you and how to begin a practice of Vaginal Self Massage at home.
What is Wild Feminine?
Wild Feminine invites every woman to journey deep into the heart of her female body, to her root place, and the center of all womanhood. Through stories, visualizations, and creative exercises, the wisdom arising from the female body has been distilled as never before into this guide to nurturing, healing, and exploring the feminine nature.
Who can attend this workshop?
This class is for anyone who is interested in revealing the amazing potential of the female body: the potential to create, to heal, and to transform the energy of a woman’s everyday life. BE PREPARED to journey deep into the heart of your body. Travel the terrain of feminine wounds. Go to your root place, the center of all womanhood and radically shift your relationship with your body and spirit. Wild Feminine gives you the tools to awaken and retrieve your ancient wild self, restore your creative energy, and reconnect to your sacred center.
Tuition: Investment is $45USD. Early bird fee is $40USD when paid one week prior to class.
*Refer a friend to attend with you and receive $20 gift certificate towards bodywork, tinctures or yoni/root steam & guided meditation.
Registration: on-line HERE or call Office directly at 561-762-4273
Instructor: Dr. Bella Lauren AP, DOM is an Acupuncture Physician, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Herbalist, Midwife & Massage Therapist who melds together many complementary therapies to create an individualized integrative treatment plan for her clients. Dr. Bella has studied with Tami Kent and is a Certified Practitoner of HPC ~ Holistic Pelvic Care.